My Services
Dream Work
Every dream of the night contains timely messages and guidance for your life. Read More...
Spiritual Mentor
An experienced guide is essential on any spiritual or psychological quest. Read More...
Depth Psychology
Exploration of dreams, images and archetypes, meaningful coincidences, relationships, symbolic processes, subtle and transpersonal realms. Read More...
Dialogue Training
For private groups, businesses, churches, foundations or anyone desiring skills for more functional interactions with others, Dialogue teaches communication. Read More...
Vision Quests
I conduct wilderness quests for persons seeking an authentic vision for self and life. Read More...
Private Sessions
I work one-on-one in hour sessions exploring dreams and waking events, acting as a guide in your own Self-discovery. Read More...
Couples Work
For couples, a safe place of deep listening, inquiry and dialogue. Read More...
I conduct retreats or private intensives combining all of the tools mentioned here, or a selected focus. Read More...
Lectures and Classes
I will speak to your groups or at conferences by arrangement. Read More...
Oracular Divination and Consultation
I use Tarot and other tools to help you find insight into psychological and spiritual questions. Read More...
in the category of Therapist/Counselor 2015
"Together the patient and I address ourselves to the two-million year old man that is in all of us. In the last analysis, most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old unforgotten wisdom stored up in us." -C. G. Jung
"That matrix which makes the dreams in us has been called an inner spiritual guide, an inner center of the psyche… [Dreams] have a superior intelligence in them: a wisdom and a guiding cleverness which leads us… the aim of dreams seems to be an optimum of life for the individual." - Marie-Louise von Franz
"An uninterpreted dream is like throwing away an unopened letter from God." - The Talmud