Dreams, Oracles and Mandalas

Written by Tayria Ward on May 27, 2014

Dearest blog readers,

A favorite client gently pointed out to me recently that I haven’t posted a blog since February. I winced. I think the last one I wrote was an announcement and description of the book that I am committed to writing this year. The challenges involved in finding time

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Ace of Frogs

Written by Tayria Ward on October 8, 2011

Ace of Frogs

I had another extraordinary dream a few nights ago. As if the Smiling Moon dream weren’t enough, here came another. I am receiving a tarot card reading in the dream. Four cards are shown, two in the major arcana that I don’t recall, the Ace of

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Dreams and Tarot

Written by Tayria Ward on October 5, 2010

Many years ago, once upon a time, I had a dream of a person I had never heard of named Angeles Arrien. I wrote her name in my dream journal and thought it must be a metaphor or story about angels. I kept playing with the words in my head.

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The Hermit

Written by Tayria Ward on April 10, 2010

In the major arcana of a tarot deck, one of the cards represents the archetype of the Hermit. This symbol points to the need to go deep within to find answers rather than researching externally. The hermit holds the knowledge that cannot be found outside oneself, individual wisdom that is not dependent upon

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