
Written by Tayria Ward on April 13, 2010

Today was one of those rare and wonderful days when a smile just kept beaming from inside for no particular reason. I could feel it like a weather pattern, something without a conscious thought to go with it that was just happening. Recently I decided to make one of those “vision boards” that people talk about – a collage of pictures that represent things you want to create in your life. The premise is, if you can see it you can make it happen. Scanning magazines for pictures it has been difficult for me to find anything that inspires or resembles my thoughts and desires. But I did find something the other day – a picture of a model wearing otherwise too modern and abstract clothes and make-up for my taste, but her mouth naturally turned up at the edges. I thought her mouth was just beautiful. My mouth sort of turns down at the edges naturally. I am a worrier. I cut out that picture of her face to put on my vision board and wondered if doing something of this nature could actually help me change the shape of a facial feature. I don’t know anything about that; but it struck me today that the inner smile might possibly already be a response.

I was privileged on this day to be in service to what I most deeply care about, so that helps too. I taught about dreams to a class of third-year students learning acupunture. Their open faces, minds and spirits seemed so gorgeous to me, and their aspirations to learn this healing art very admirable too. Right after the class was one of  my weekly dream groups. During the dreamwork some really big springtime new-birth type breakthroughs burst through the ground of psyche. It was an event.

Was my all-day smile prescient of these things? Does smiling inside help manifest such things? Or is it all together part of a common fabric just presenting itself in such ways? There is mystery here. And I have a little wondering about how much of it could begin with cutting out the picture of that lovely mouth for my vision board. I’m interested to see what happens next with this project.