
Written by Tayria Ward on March 6, 2010

My Mom had a health incident and spent last night in the hospital. We think she’ll be ok. Lots of thoughts about mother and mothering have been up for me lately — even when watching the television or the news I seem to hear the word “mother” in a slightly elevated volume. The Olympians who so thoroughly adored their mother’s were constantly noted. I am privileged to be a mother, and no other role in my life holds more passion, energy and power for me. And I am privileged to be the daughter of a mother who cared more for her role as mother than for any other aspect of  life.

Mother.  To contemplate the primal, primary essence of mother and mothering is to breathe the deepest mystery. Every cell in every one of our bodies has mother in it, not just our physical bodies but emotional, psychological and spiritual bodies too. I feel so grateful that I love my Mother, and I really, really do.