Life is in the right

Written by Tayria Ward on February 25, 2010

My daily readings from A Year with Rilke continue to speak to me as if composed for my special circumstances. The synchronicities can be eerie. Two days ago I was able to leave the mountain for the first time in 10 days. We had a little break in the weather that allowed me to go into town, gather some supplies and lead a dream group. After so many days of complete isolation, just looking into the eyes as I talked to a lady at the cash register allowed me to begin to feel normal again. The next day the roads iced over and 12 more inches of snow have fallen.It starts all over again.

I want to say that it is a very rare privilege to live on this mountain top and be able to experience these extremes of weather. I love it. I chose it. And I am grateful. On the other hand this hardest of winters in my life’s experience is testing my mettle in serious ways. Week after week of social isolation and worrying about not being able to get into town to do my work so that bills can be met put me on a psychological edge. So what does Rilke have to say to assist me today?

“What should I say about your tendency to doubt your struggle or to harmonize your inner and outer life? My wish is ever strong that you find enough patience within you and enough simplicity to have faith. May you gain more and more trust in what is challenging, and confidence in the solitude you bear. Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right in any case.” (from Letters to a Young Poet)

Across time so much beauty and intelligence links us all. What can I say about my tendency to doubt? I wish you could see the snowy mountains outside my window right now. Life is surely in the right.