Written by Tayria Ward on February 21, 2011I heard an extremely compelling lecture tonight that discussed the extraordinary technology that created the pyramids in Egypt. The lecturer mentioned that currently we know from research into ancient Egypt what they used to eat, wear, how they built their bathrooms, how they made love, but we still do not have a CLUE how they knew the mathematics so precisely expressed in the pyramid constructions or how they moved rocks that we, even today, could not imagine how to move because of their size and weight. They somehow just put them there!
Apparently, like what they say about Atlantis, there were civilizations before recorded history that were so advanced, we have not even begun to catch up. What are the stories in our Earth’s history that we have managed to suppress and continually refuse to acknowledge?
As I took this in tonight I thought – no wonder in the vicinity of these pyramids, emitting the deep and mysterious knowledge that created them, some kind of anarchy, of the highest and best kind, is suddenly setting fire to the human spirit. From Wisconsin to Bahrain, inside our minds our in our social bodies, some ancient knowledge has been loosed and people are not going to take it anymore.
Persons have said to me regarding my interest in the indigenous mind and indigenous wisdom – “just because it’s old doesn’t mean it is good.” Maybe that is true. But on the other hand, look again.