Buried Treasure

Written by Tayria Ward on February 9, 2011

A sweet client who does regular dream work with me gave me permission yesterday to share a line from her dream. In it someone she respects directly advised her “Search your dreams for buried wisdom.” The dreams that came in a stream right after that were like an archaeological dig,

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Written by Tayria Ward on February 8, 2011

I went to bed last night with a focused prayer, asking what I need to know. I felt the crescent moon, more gorgeous and stunning than any moon vision I can remember, had imprinted itself on mind so strongly, I called for a dream to help me understand. I received

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Crescent Moon

Written by Tayria Ward on February 7, 2011

I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful the moon appeared tonight – a perfect crescent, perfectly balanced as a bowl, lighting the bottom of the moon and up the sides evenly. The whole orb could be seen, with luminescent white light making the crescent. I honestly don’t remember seeing such

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Written by Tayria Ward on February 5, 2011

A friend asked me tonight, “What gives you joy right now?” I like this question. It might be a good one to stop and ask oneself and each other often, maybe daily.

Sitting with this question and a blank mind, the word that comes to me is “sensations.” Such as when

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As Large as the Universe is Outside…

Written by Tayria Ward on February 5, 2011

Sometime in my early 20’s I read in the Upanishads a statement that changed everything for me. I still think about it regularly. “As large as the universe is outside, even so large is the universe within the heart.”

At the time I felt my complete education, even my Catholic religious

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Civil Disobedience

Written by Tayria Ward on February 3, 2011

The mushrooming crisis in Egypt is hypnotizing the world right now. I never felt that connected to Egypt before, it was a land of far away and of mystery. I’ve even traveled to several countries in Northern Africa, but never to Egypt. So how can this eruption feel as if

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SAG and Smiles

Written by Tayria Ward on January 30, 2011

I just finished watching the Screen Actors Guild Awards and I think I maybe smile like an idiot through whole shows like this. These are our storytellers. They do such an extraordinary service for us. They take on all of the public scrutiny and people going through their histories and

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Holy Longing

Written by Tayria Ward on January 29, 2011

Yesterday’s writing on Absence and Presence brought out deeply poetic responses from a few readers, which move me to say a bit more about what I was experiencing, and include Rainer Maria Rilke’s voice on my musings. I knew in the state I was in that picking up his Book

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Absence and Presence

Written by Tayria Ward on January 28, 2011

Even in absence there can be presence
But when the presence goes out of absence
And there is only absence
Absence is intensified.

This intense absence is its own kind of presence
And absence.
Intense absence
The presence of only absence within absence
Is what I feel now.
A numbing void.


Written by Tayria Ward on January 25, 2011

After death comes resurrection. Remember that.