Power of Ritual

Written by Tayria Ward on August 7, 2010

I practice private rituals regularly to make prayers, set intentions, offer thanks or call in helps. The inspiration to do them usually comes spontaneously, and their design is simple and straightforward. Occasionally, and usually when I feel a very deep or urgent need, I plan ahead for a ritual that will involve many days of repeated practice. This blog was begun as a 40-day exercise starting on the New Moon in Capricorn in January of this year. As I was deciding whether to continue or not at the end of those 40 days, some endearing angel spirits worked through special people in my life to urge me to continue and I am glad that I have.

I have long observed that once a ritual is planned the power of it starts pulling in a tide of response before it even begins. And so it has been for my most recent plan. I decided to start a 21-day ritual on the New Moon August 10th, 3 days from now. Exactly three weeks is what many philosophies say is the time it takes to create important change, or to break an old habit or create a new one. Wanting to clear my psyche of old hurts and unprocessed emotion, and to invite newness, I decided to begin a 21 day ritual on August 10th wherein I would clear some area of my physical space every day – a drawer, a section of my closet, a file case, a pile of papers, a bookshelf – as a way of emotional and psychological clearing also. And I have planned various simple daily practices to go with this to invite needed changes.

As I have been preparing, planning, making notes, etc., the changes have begun already. Someone arrived at my door today, out of the blue, who might want to buy my property. I don’t know what I will do, there is much to think about, but this sure is a sign that a planned ritual sets into motion surprising forces.

Humans have been spontaneously planning and doing ritual since earliest recorded time. It is a deeply instinctual way to interact with the forces of the greater universe in our human life.  I never cease to be amazed and surprised by it.